
Helpful Phone Numbers and Websites

California Association of REALTORS®

(213) 739-8200

Provides 24/7 access to critical real estate news and information, your personal member web page, market research, real estate magazines, legislative advocacy, and more.

Real Care

(800) 939-8088

 CAR members are eligible to receive health, dental, and vision insurance through Kaiser Permanente and Blue Cross Blue Shield. The health insurance benefit is subject to completion of a new member orientation including an ethics/professional standards course. Open enrollment for all members occurs annually between April and Mid-May for a June start date; new members may join between their 60th and 120th days of membership.

Benefits Store

(800) 446-2663

FAR REALTORS and Affiliates are eligible to enroll. Existing Association Members can enroll during open enrollment periods. Kaiser: October 1-31. United Health Care/PacifiCare: April 1-30. New Association Members are immediately eligible for coverage with the effective date the 1st of the month following enrollment. There are 13 HMO Kaiser plans and 5 PPO/HMO Plans to choose from.

REALTOR® EXPO & Tech Tuesday

The state’s largest real estate trade show provides 3 days of free hands-on training, continuing-education seminars, networking opportunities, and more. Visit for more information.

CAR Online Store is the world’s largest real estate database of homes for sale and the official site for the National Association of REALTORS®. Fresno REALTOR® members who also subscribe to Fresno MLS have the ability to advertise their listings at at no additional charge.

ZipForm6 Support

(800) 228-9466

Instant access to the latest versions of the CAR standard forms. Free to members of CAR! Desktop and Online versions of ZipForm6 are available.

zipVault Online Document Storage

Store transaction-related forms for 5 years within zipForm6. Access zipVault today by clicking on the Documents tab from your zipForm 6 Professional account. zipVault How-to training videos are available 24/7, visit

Rapattoni (MLS) Support

(866) 730-7114

Speak with live MLS Support Monday-Friday 6am-5pm, and Saturdays from 7am-3:30pm. If you are a member with Fresno your Support ID is 836.

Clarus MarketMetrics®

Clarus MarketMetrics® generates market and price-point analysis charts and reports derived from MLS data for REALTORS® to share with their clients. These reports can be invaluable as a prospecting tool, an aid to setting seller expectations, or as a companion set of data to justify a buyer’s offer. With Clarus MarketMetrics® , REALTORS ® now have access to the most current, relevant local market data available. This program is available for purchase at:

Speak with live MLS Support Monday-Friday 6am-5pm, and Saturdays from 7am-3:30pm. If you are a member with Fresno your Support ID is 836.

San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District

 An EPA Phase II Wood Burning Heater Statement of Compliance is required whenever a wood-burning stove or insert is included in the sale or transfer of a property. This includes real estate owned by banks or other financial institutions (REO Properties). You may access this form by visiting the following:

City of Fresno Swimming Pool Drain Permit

The draining of swimming pools more than once every three years, except for structural damage or cyanuric acid level over 100 parts per million, total dissolved solids over 2,500 parts per million, or calcium over 450 parts per million is prohibited. A permit is required to drain a swimming pool. More specific information regarding this ordinance may be obtained by calling the Water Conservation Program at 621-5480 or 621-5306. To fill out a Swimming Pool Draining Permit: CLICK HERE

The California Office of Real Estate Appraisers

 (916) 552-9000

This listing includes information on current licensees. It also includes prior licensees that have resigned, been revoked, or had the right to renew their license revoked. This information is typically updated on a bi-weekly basis.

HUD Homes

 US Department of Housing and Urban Development has created this website to search for HUD Homes for sale.  The Top 10 HUD List is an excellent resource on how to start financing, selling, or listing HUD Homes.

Legal Hotline

(213) 739-8282

Live, personalized legal advise from CAR attorneys Monday-Friday 9am-6pm.  

C.A.R. Insurance Products

Learn about the Insurance products offered through C.A.R. including: E & O Insurance, Commercial and Business Insurance, Personal and Pet Insurance as well as the Home Payment Protection Program.  

Member Advantage

A variety of discounts on insurance and other products and services to enhance your professional and personal life.

Industry Research & Market Data

Statistics, targeted research reports and regional economic profiles developed by CAR’s expert economics and research team. Click on Economics.


This customizable newsletter—featuring your contact information, listings, photos and articles—allows you to keep in touch with clients once a month. To subscribe, click on “Newsletter Sign-Up”.

Online License Renewal Packages

Study online and pay only when you are ready to take the exam.

National Association of REALTORS®

(202) 383-1000

Your source for National Real Estate News, including Education, Government Affairs, Law and Policy, Meetings and Expo’s, Research, Technology, and much more.

zipLogix Digital Ink

Send documents to your clients for digital signatures using zipLogix Digital Ink from your zipForm 6 platform!

Get more information of the legality of e-signatures via C.A.R.’s Legal Q&A visit:

Fresno Department of Real Estate

(559) 445-5009

(877) 373-4542

Contact the Department of Real Estate for all your licensing requirement questions, and search for real estate license records.

Supra Support

(877) 699-6787

By selecting “Log on to Kim” agents can view compatible key devices, adjust e-key settings, register, and check lockbox activity, and much more.

Clarus Investor®

(877) 699-6787

Clarus Investor® enables agents to engage clients in a healthy discussion about adding real estate to their investment portfolio. This property analysis tool allows agents to help buyers interested in investment real estate obtain a quick picture of the property’s value and profit potential. REALTORS® can expand their market and profits with the power of Clarus Investor®. This program is available for purchase at:

Relay Transaction Management

(866) 736-7328

RELAY™ allows for full online transaction management, meaning that REALTORS® can securely send and receive important transaction documents at any time with the click of a button, track who has viewed or signed which documents, control access to all transaction documents, and allow clients 24/7 access to their portion of the transaction. RELAY™ already incorporates one-click integration with WINFormsOnline® allowing you to directly import and update transactions, documents and files with a single click. See the website or call for pricing information.

Fresno Mosquito and Vector Control District

 (559) 268-6565

Lots of mosquitos? Green Pool? Dead Bird? Please help prevent West Nile Virus by reporting these issues to the Fresno Mosquito Control District.

The Contractors State License Board (CSLB)

The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) protects consumers by licensing and regulating California’s construction industry. There are more than 310,000 licensed contractors in the state, in 43 different licensing classifications. In addition to educating consumers about contractors and construction law, CSLB activities include administering examinations to test prospective licensees, issuing licenses, investigating complaints against licensed and unlicensed contractors, issuing citations, suspending or revoking licenses, and seeking administrative, criminal, and civil sanctions against violators. On this Web site you can find educational materials about hiring contractors and the construction process. You can also check the status of a contractor’s license, find other important Contractors License Law information and file a complaint. 


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